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What is Smart?

Information, communication, technology (ICT) and people all working together – now that’s SMART!

Are you ready for the SMART revolution?  Well ready or not its coming to a city or town near you soon.  This uptake of technology integrated with services is fast becoming a certainty for all major cites to consider as their services get harder to manage and demand to efficiencies grow.

We are considered thought leaders in this field and are leading the way in not only integrating public lighting into this sector but also all of the other many and varied aspects that a SMART future city requires.

A digital city can consist of many things which include waste management, street lighting, water, transport, health care and even recreation.  Tourism is another factor which can be structured through your digital city plan to ensure your visitors as well as your residents can make the most of your city’s services, hightlights and attractions.

Its possible to generate revenue and improve services you already have.  Just imagine knowing when bins are full or when a buses route should be altered to avoid a jam.

Linking up these services is where we help.  If you don’t form a strong team around your plan then its bound to fail.  We can work with you to bring all parties together or head up this function to project management the coordination ourselves.   The IT department will be your new hub for this type of initiative so knowing what is technically possible and what isn’t is another of our strengths. We bring in a team who are skilled in SMART technology mapping and will make the process of turning your siloed city into a fully intelligent electronic community.

So if being SMART is part of your plan for your town or city then get in touch.  We are here to help so send your enquiry to or call us now to discuss, 01908 560110.

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“Being SMART can maximise the impact of your city’s services, highlights and attractions.”

Passionate About Lighting Design

Call us on +44 (0)1908 560110 so we can get your project started or contact us by clicking on the button below