The project:
The airport underwent a facelift which this project formed part of. The kiss and fly section, travellator and landside main terminal building were lit with LED even though this was then new and innovative technology. The vision for the space was led by the design team and the lighting needed to tie in with this to enhance the flyers experience and to generate enough movement to ensure customers spent time where the most revenue could be generated. The airport also needed to be safe and enable good CCTV pictures.
The brief:
Make the travellers feel welcome, ensure their experience of the space was a positive one and provide a functional and interesting lighting system to interact with all the needs of the space.
The result:
Clear visual markers provided by the lighting system which gives subliminal cues to the flyers and staff of where to go next. A light and airy feel to the space which funnels the travellers to their destination and supports the signage and wayfinding. LED means low energy usage for the space and added functionality which future proofed the design.